Sunday, March 26, 2017

The 3 Best Exercises For Burning Unwanted Belly Fat

To whittle your middle, grow tree trunks for legs.
Muscular legs can help you fend off belly fat, according to a study from Japan. People with the most muscle mass on their legs had the least visceral fat - the dangerous kind that surrounds organs.

Compared with smaller muscles, your leg muscles burn more fat before it can deposit around your organs, explains study author Dr Michio Shimabukuro.
Start melting your middle by adding these three lower-body exercises to your routine today.

1. Barbell Split Squat

Dumbbell Squat

3. Kettlebell Side Lunge

Hope this is helpful for all those guys out there looking to get in just a bit better shape. Remember a healthy diet and daily activity will help give you Total Balance. Until Next Time - CJ Henderson

The 3 Best Exercises For Burning Unwanted Belly Fat

To whittle your middle, grow tree trunks for legs. Muscular legs can help you fend off belly fat, according to a study from Japan. People...